Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

My friend from college and her family came over from Grayling to visit us. She is originally from Fairview and knew where to take the kids trick or treating. Her parents first invited us over for pizza and then we went to her parents church for a carnival. Then we went to a local park and participated in the trunk or treat they had. It isn't as easy to go door to door up here so we opted for these two activities instead. Kolby couldn't keep his hands out of the candy bowl.

Moving Day!!

On October 8, 2002 we officially moved in to our new house as Resident Missionary Staff of Camp Barakel. What a crazy and wonderful ride the Lord has taken us on in the last couple of years. We are unpacked and beginning to get settled into life here. We thank everyone for their prayers and support to get us here.

The camp semi pulling up to our old house.

The Sky Trak taking our stuff to the second (main living space) floor of our new house